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Hermann Gustav Thiel’s records of his Anglo Boer War experiences before his capture

Hermann Gustav Thiel’s records of his Anglo Boer War experiences before his capture

Hermann Gustav Thiel already showed his sympathy with the cause of the Transvaal Republic during the Jameson Raid in December 1895 and was involved as a technician in the building of Fort Klapperkop for the defence of Pretoria. For these actions the young German was granted citizenship with full voting rights of the Transvaal Republic on 21 January 1898.

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Voyage of the SS Montrose

Voyage of the SS Montrose

An example of the meticulous records Hermann Gustav Thiel (1878 – 1948) kept in his diaries of his experiences during the Anglo-Boer War (1899 – 1902) is the information he recorded on the voyage of the SS Montrose from Durban to Bermuda during August and September 1901. Not only did he describe the conditions under which the prisoners had to survive but he managed to record the exact daily position of the ship as well as the positions where 23 prisoners died and were buried at sea.

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